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Occupational Therapy Services

Connect Family Center, Inc. Occupational Therapy Logo

Connect Family Center, Inc. is proud to offer community-based mental health Occupational Therapy services in the state of New Jersey.

Skills for the Job of Living

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a branch of healthcare that helps people who have cognitive, physical or sensory problems that interfere with their daily life roles. OT is a holistic practice that considers every aspect of a person and helps them achieve independence in all areas of their lives.

Why OT?

OT addresses a variety of health and wellness areas of concern including: Depression and anxiety management Rehabilitation and Recovery Community reintegration Employment preparation Sensory processing deficits.

Who can receive OT services?

Anyone may benefit from our services! A skilled OT evaluation will indicate areas for improvement towards living a healthy and meaningful life using evidence-based interventions and care planning Self-referrals welcomed!

M E N T A L   H E A L T H   O C C U P A T I O N A L   T H E R A P Y

What does the program consist of ?

The program begins with an Initial Evaluation to identify areas of need and set goals. Clients meet with an occupational therapist every 1-2 weeks addressing their specific mental health care plan. Bi-weekly Progress Reports are completed to track progress, and to ensure care plans are addressing the client’s goals until discharge.

What skills are addressed?

Skill development is an important part of the recovery process. Skills addressed include:

• Work and productivity skills

• Life skills

• Leisure and recreation skills

• Social skills

Build the skills you need to engage in your life roles!

Are these services provided virtually?

We are pleased to offer virtual therapy services with plans for in person therapy options coming soon. Evaluations provided in-person.

Contact us today!

Phone: 609-871-4442 | Email:

“Occupational therapy practitioners address barriers to optimal functioning through interventions that focus on enhancing existing skills, creating opportunities, promoting wellness, remediating or restoring skills, modifying or adapting the environment or activity, and preventing relapse.”

(AOTA Fact Sheet, Occupational Therapy’s Role in Community Mental Health)

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